Pharmacognosy Department

Prof. Chetana Malsamindar
M. Pharm (Phamacognosy)
Head of Department
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The Pharmacognosy Laboratory provides esteemed knowledge and utilization of medicinal substances of biological origin used for treatment of various diseases. This laboratory provide the practical training on morphological, microscopic, physical and chemical evaluation of crude drugs as well as herbal formulations. This laboratory also gives education of herbal drug technology subject that deliver the knowledge of herbal formulations and crude drugs. The various instruments like Compound microscope, Projection microscope are used for microscopical studies of cell and tissues in different parts such as root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit and seed of natural plants, identification and standardization of crude drugs. Another instruments such as hot air oven, Infra red moisture balance, muffle furnace are used for detecting the moisture content as well as ash value determination of crude drugs. Furthermore instruments such as water bath, heating mantle are used for boiling purpose as well as magnetic stirrer used for stirring or mixing a solution of crude drugs. This laboratory also equipped refractometer and sterilizer for detecting refractive index and sterility detection of the herbal drugs and herbal formulation. Pharmacognosy is the study of morphological, chemical, and biological properties as well as history, cultivation, collection, extraction, isolation, bioassay, quality control, and preparation of crude drugs of natural origin